
In India, the manufacturing sector is one of the key pillars of the economy and is a major contributor to its GDP. The sector employs millions of people and is a critical driver of economic growth.

The manufacturing industry in India has come a long way since its independence. In 1947, the country had only a handful of factories, and most of the population was engaged in agriculture. Today, India is home to many manufacturing businesses, ranging from small-scale enterprises to large-scale industries.

The Indian government has been supportive of the growth of the manufacturing sector and has implemented various policies and initiatives to promote its development. One such initiative is the Make in India program, launched in 2014 to make India a global manufacturing hub.

With the right mix of resources, environment, and market, starting a manufacturing business in India can be very profitable. In this article, we will look at the most profitable manufacturing business ideas you can start in India.

Table Of Content

  • Agarbatti Manufacturing
  • Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing
  • Bamboo Furniture Manufacturing
  • Beauty Products Manufacturing
  • Bicycle Manufacturing
  • Bioplastic Manufacturing
  • Candle Making
  • Carbonated Beverages Manufacturing
  • Computer Accessories Manufacturing
  • Confectionery Manufacturing

Strategies For Small Manufacturing Business Sector

All manufacturing businesses, large corporations, or small-scale industries incorporate different strategies into their production and promotion processes. However, there are three main strategies that most small manufacturing businesses use for their production processes.

Make-to-Stock (MTS)

This strategy works based on consumer demand. In this, manufacturers use customer experience and purchase data, incorporating them into their production activities, to forecast sales.


This strategy allows manufacturers to develop custom products tailored to deliver personalized experiences. In this, customers can pre-order products they want by specifying their requirements. One advantage of this strategy is that manufacturers can make products on the go and don’t need to stock them.


Manufacturers implement the make-to-assemble technique to stock the components required to make different products, depending on demand.

While most manufacturers incorporate the above three standard strategies into their production and distribution processes, they don’t come without drawbacks, as with most other such techniques. So, controlling costs, not to mention quality, and coming up with top-notch sales and promotional strategies, can help mitigate the different risks that may be a part of production and distribution.

Top Profitable Small-Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas In 2024

Ready-to-Eat Meals:

Food holds a special place in the hearts of Indians. However, as our lives have become increasingly fast-paced, finding the time to prepare elaborate meals has become a challenge. This is particularly true for individuals living away from home due to work or studies.

Ready-to-eat meals have emerged as a convenient solution for such situations. The market for these meals is substantial, with significant profit potential. Over the past decade, there has been a doubling in India’s expenditure on frozen foods, presenting lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs to venture into the frozen food business. Undoubtedly, ready-to-eat meals stand out as one of the most promising manufacturing sectors in India.

Agarbatti Manufacturing

Agarbatti is the Hindi name for incense sticks popularly used in religious and spiritual ceremonies in India. They are made from a mixture of aromatic plant materials, which are rolled into a stick and then dried.

Agarbatti manufacturing is a small manufacturing business to start and can be done on a small scale. The raw materials required for this business are easily available, and the manufacturing process is not very complex. The home-manufacturing business industry is growing rapidly in India and has immense potential.

Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India. It works towards striking a balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurvedic medicines are made from natural ingredients and are effective in treating various diseases.

There is a growing demand for ayurvedic medicines globally due to the rising awareness of their benefits. Manufacturing these medicines does not require complex machinery or equipment and can be done on a small scale.


Nutraceuticals encompass a range of products sourced from herbs, minerals, vitamins, and dietary elements, aimed at enhancing immunity and preventing diseases. The rising health consciousness and shifts in lifestyle have spurred a growing demand for nutraceutical products. Consequently, venturing into the nutraceutical manufacturing business is increasingly seen as a highly lucrative opportunity in India.

Bamboo Furniture Manufacturing

Bamboo is an eco-friendly material that is durable, strong, and beautiful. It is increasingly being used in the manufacture of furniture and other products. Bamboo furniture has a unique look and is very popular among buyers looking for sustainable and environment-friendly products. Know more about sustainable business ideas.

The manufacturing process of bamboo furniture is not very complex and can be done on a small-scale basis. The raw materials required for this business are easily available, and the market for bamboo furniture is growing rapidly.

Beauty Products Manufacturing

The beauty industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in India. There is a great demand for beauty products, ranging from skincare to hair care and cosmetics.

Starting a business that manufactures beauty products can be a very profitable venture. The manufacturing process is not very complex, and the raw materials required are easily available. There is a huge potential market for these products in India and abroad.

Bicycle Manufacturing

Bicycles are a popular mode of transportation in India due to their low cost and convenience. They are also used for recreation and exercise. The demand for bicycles has been growing steadily over the years and is expected to continue to grow.

The manufacturing process of bicycles is not very complex and can be done on a small scale. The raw materials required for this business are easily available. The market for bicycles is vast and has immense potential.

Bioplastic Manufacturing

Bioplastic is a type of plastic made from renewable plant resources such as corn starch, cellulose, or sugarcane. It is an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic made from fossil fuels.

Bioplastic manufacturing is a relatively new industry in India with huge growth potential. The manufacturing process is not very complex, and the raw materials required are easily available. There is a growing demand for bioplastics, both in India and abroad.

Candle Making

Candles are used for various purposes, from decoration to lighting. They are made from various materials, including wax, paraffin, and beeswax.

The candle-making business can be started on a small scale with simple equipment. The raw materials required for this business are easily available. The market for candles is vast and has immense potential.

Carbonated Beverages Manufacturing

Carbonated beverages are very popular among people of all age groups, and they are refreshing and have a unique taste. There is a great demand for carbonated beverages in India and abroad.

Starting a business that manufactures carbonated beverages can be a very profitable venture. The manufacturing process is not very complex, the raw materials required are easily available, and there is a huge potential market for these products.

Computer Accessories Manufacturing

Computer accessories are in high demand due to the growing number of computer users in India. These accessories include keyboards, mice, speakers, webcams, and more.

The manufacturing process of computer accessories is not very complex and can be done on a small-scale basis. The raw materials required for this business are easily available, and the market for computer accessories is growing rapidly.

Confectionery Manufacturing

Confectionery products are popular among people of all age groups and are in high demand. These products include candy, chocolate, biscuits, and more.

The confectionery business can be started on a small scale with simple equipment. The raw materials required for this business are easily available, and the market for confectionery products is vast.

These are some of India’s most profitable manufacturing business ideas that can be started on a small-scale basis. Choose an idea you are passionate about and start your own manufacturing business today!

Top Profitable Home Manufacturing Business Ideas

While there is an urge to contribute to a growing economy start-up, many still refrain from creating unique products that can help them establish identities, owing to several factors – primarily, the costs. However, you don’t need to shell out much to establish a small manufacturing business – especially something you can do remotely from home. There are plenty of home manufacturing business ideas in different niches or segments that you can bring to light, including:

  1. Packaged food
  2. Candles
  3. Ball-pen refills
  4. Envelopes
  5. Gift items
  6. Bags
  7. Lemonade
  8. Nuts and Bolts
  9. Wood items

Quick Guide On Starting a Small Manufacturing Business

Those looking to set up small manufacturing hubs to leverage the start-up culture can start by digging deep on various levels and zeroing in on market trends and developments.

These days, you can start small-scale manufacturing businesses in any segment, owing to multiple marketing channels that help with customer outreach, not to mention the drive to cater to an emerging start-up in the economy.

Setting up a small manufacturing business requires considering many factors. However, here are some takeaways that may come in handy when considering founding a manufacturing business.

1. The Markets

While research should penetrate different levels and segments, focusing on global and local market trends and movements can go a long way, laying the foundation for a concrete business in manufacturing. Learning about the trends and other aspects of manufacturing from different market perspectives also helps you formulate plans to set up shop and take it to the next level. You can sell your products in to wholesale business sellers. Know more about profitable wholesale business ideas.

For instance, how and where to set up plants and find investors are among a few things you will learn by studying the global and local markets.

2. The Idea

Every business starts somewhere – mainly with an idea, and knowing all you can about the manufacturing sector, will help you get that spark. So, now that you have studied the markets, identified trends, and, more importantly, a niche, you will need to develop a plan that can take your idea, or product, from conception to realization.

3. The Business

A business plan can help you realize your ideas through your products since it consists of almost every aspect, such as the operations that go into making and marketing the product, how much they cost, and how to raise funds to cover them.

Final Thought

So, you can set up profitable manufacturing businesses in almost any niche or segment without much investment. You can become an entrepreneur and give a name to your company if you are prepared to take the necessary steps and deal with the setbacks, or you could also set up a home-based business that can support your livelihood.

However, remember that there is always scope for growth in a thriving economy, no matter the business or niche, and you can take even something you founded at home to any level. Hope you have experienced some great manufacturing business ideas.

Also Read:- 8 Profitable Rural Business Ideas for Village Areas in India


Which manufacturing business is most profitable?

Here Are Some Of The Most Profitable Manufacturing Business To Start in India:

  • Speciality, Bulk, and Pharma Chemicals: …
  • Agro and Food Chemicals: …
  • Construction Chemicals: …
  • Consumer Electronics and Mobile Accessories: …
  • Renewable Energy, Solar and Electric Vehicles: …
  • Pharma and Medical Disposable Products:

By indifi

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